Black cat

A person who does not fit in to any group. The strong silent type, always observing and analyzing situations before getting involved. May have a lot to say but does not say it. Often settles problems alone and is more than capable of it. For the few who get to know him/her a close and loyal friend they will find. A black cat is a nomad, forever roaming the world. A black cat may seem shy to some but make no mistake, he/she is merely bored and is thinking of greater things. Black cats are not judgemental and are easy to confide in. A beloved friend, though not always around. They may not understand your affection toward them, but will always return friendship. A black cat is extremely good at figuring people out, as a result black cats fall in love easy after accepting all your faults and your trust. They can fall for more than one person resulting in bad luck. When a black cat is your lover only death can keep you apart, but not for long. The person you want to cross paths with, The perfect lover and loyal best friend, a black cat roaming.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Black cat. Some of the top words include: stupid fuck face, lonerish, Shut in, Spamz0r, zen master, and 25 more.